Piano Preludes

Jacqueline has spent the last few years writing Piano Preludes that she is releasing in volumes of 5 or 6. Having released Vol. 01 in 2022 she has now just released Vol. 02 February 17th, 2023. Both EP’s have received beautiful enthusiastic reviews which you can read in the news section.
There are 27 works in total with another 9 Piano & Saxophone Preludes coming out in March 2023 featuring Patsy Gamble on sax. These are a compilation of the last two released volumes and really sing with Patsy’s saxophone.
” The first prelude I wrote was Prelude 04, it was one of those intoxicating summer mornings in the English countryside and the prelude just came to me in its entirety. The response I got from playing it to friends and family around at that time was so positive and exciting that I realised I hadn’t let the piano be the star of the show before. This led to a playful approach to writing the preludes. I would wake up every morning and write a new one. Lockdown gave me the opportunity to delve into each idea and give the attention needed to let it grow or blossom.